Sam is 2!

Happy Birthday to our baby!

Can’t believe he’s 2!  If you ask him, he’ll try to convince you he’s 3.  He holds up his 2 fingers, points to his shirt, and yells, “Three!!”  🙂

He’s a cuddler and becoming quite outgoing. He loves his siblings, Dora, puzzles, ham, and a good game of memory!  He doesn’t like dogs or going to bed.

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Halloween 2014

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Another great Halloween. . .we have 4 tired and happy kids!

catching up :)

First Day of School 2014

(a month late!)


  DSC_0204 DSC_0201First Grade and Third Grade

DSC_0255And little Sam–with no one to entertain him!

Joah’s birthday and beach weekend

DSC_0210Joah is 4!  He woke up on his birthday morning and asked, “Am I bigger, Mom, am I bigger?!” He seems bigger to me!

We celebrated with ice cream sundaes with his friends and a weekend trip to the coast.


Look what this little boy can do!

IMG_20140512_105022_040~2Joah and Lucy decided this morning that it was time to take Joah’s training wheels off.  After about 3 minutes of Lucy holding him up and running beside, he took off!  Now he’s racing up and down the street as fast as he can.  Both Joah and Lucy are pretty proud!